I have been working on a way to measure thrust over time of my rockets for a while now
After a good friend of mine got me a 5kg load cell and alot of procrastinating I put it together

My personal adventures in amateur experimental rocketry
Details regarding the first iteration of the STTS system
I have been working on a way to measure thrust over time of my rockets for a while now
After a good friend of mine got me a 5kg load cell and alot of procrastinating I put it together
A minor failure of the launch, not a minor rocket failing to launch
I have recently made 3 rocket motors based on sorbitol
I still had 2 left over, so I decided to try them instead of letting them absorb moisture and become useless
Since the previous one was such an unsuspected success … Read More
My very optimistic phase 2 plans
First test launch of a Sorbitol based sugar rocket, and the procedure used to make it
Details from a short detour about using gunpowder as rocket fuel (which ended up going nowhere, literally)
Footage from the trails and tribulation of unguided short range near horizontal rocket tests
A Test had been conducted testing the Electrical Ignition System and the engines ability to propel themselves against gravity
Rocket 1 (Small Relative Diameter)
A short followup about the first ball mill experiment, detailing the resulting fuel
I have made a new batch of fuel with my new ball mill, and even though it was not perfect and I could have left it running longer, the fuel resulting from this process seems to be incredibly potent
The … Read More
A short about The Wondrous Mechanical Maurits™, which was intended to grind down chemicals and mix them together
One of the problems I had was the effort required to make the rocket fuel mix, it took hours of grinding with a mortar and pestle, which just wont do
Introducing, the ball mill “Mechanical Maurits™”
A write up detailing the first version of the ever evolving ICBM system
In a effort to improve reliability and versatility of igniting pyrotechnical compositions I have devised the Igniter Control Box Module (ICBM)
Another test where I grossly overestimated my engine’s performance, and ended up with a smoke bomb instead
Tried again with a bigger rocket, still not enough trust
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