So, a little while ago I received a present.

A old, mid 2000’s Stereo System!
This one features a CD player (that does not work), USB port for playing MP3’s, and a LCD with broken backlight.
And even … Read More
My personal adventures in amateur experimental rocketry
A motion activated music system for my toilet, for fun and profit.
So, a little while ago I received a present.
A old, mid 2000’s Stereo System!
This one features a CD player (that does not work), USB port for playing MP3’s, and a LCD with broken backlight.
And even … Read More
The second compilation, celebrating yet another year of rocketry
A few small console games I made.
So, I was bored, and wanted to do some C# programming.
The results are:
All of these are 2 player pen and paper games, which I ported to … Read More
My first foray into the magical world of digital logic, done badly, and mainly out of boredom.
(Disclaimer: This article has not been simplified for a general audience and thus employs a large amount of technobabble and takes knowledge of low level computer logic for granted, beware)
For a number of years now, the idea of making … Read More
The first test of the BTIR system, with very exiting (if unexpected) results
My second attempt at baking brownies following military guidelines
A report of the first (failed) attempt to test MM-38
Featuring rain and horses
It must be a Tuesday, I never got the hang of Tuesdays
Arthur Dent, The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
On this particular Tuesday, no experiment took place
But this is not for a lack of effort
Problems began before … Read More
Proposal for a very simple unguided rocket without parachute, for fun and science
After a bout of boredom powered inspiration, I have conceived of a ‘stopgap’ rocket to tide me over until proper launches can be conducted
Introducing: the BTIR, or Ballistic Trajectory and Impact Rocket
Babies first BATES grain’s, and how they were made
Since about 10 months ago the main rocket fuel I have been using is KNSB propellant, and its worked amazingly
Now, in preparation of the first static test of MM-38 I have been busy preparing and subsequently casting BATES… Read More
A simple program to estimate flight performance, from nakka’s calculations
Rocket Estimation, Altitude CalculatoR, or REACT, is a small program I wrote to give a quick and rough estimation of a rocket’s flight performance
The formulas are blatantly stolen from Richards nakka’s .PDF on the subject
First, the … Read More
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